If you look online for information on what not to do to your could be reading for days! I always find it absolutely insane how much content is really out there on the DO'S & DON'TS of hair care. Where do you start?! And does it vary by hair type? Then one article contradicting the do you find the right information and have faith it actually accurate?! That's where we come in. We are all about taking care of your hair the right way. No chemicals. No Sulfates! No Parabens! We decided to put together a list of the MOST DEFINITELY DO NOT'S just for you! 1. DAMAGE FROM COLORING PRODUCTS/OVERPROCESSING : This seems to be the #1 worst thing you can do to your hair - according to hair gurus everywhere. It seems to be the one thing they can agree on 100%. This is called over-processing your hair. Whether its from chemical treatments, colors or bleaching...we've been there or seen it and it's NOT pretty. We've all heard the words breakage and fried as well! You will know if you have damaged your hair because your hair will be frizzy, brittle, dry, unruly hairs, you could have split-ends and the strands of hair may have a white end. There are a few ways you can improve your hair - like using a protein treatment or according to Gurus online but nothing is going to bring that hair back to its original quality. If you cannot cut it off, we recommend you try Deity America's Deep Conditioner For Damaged Hair . You can leave it until it dries or you can let it set all night long. They recommend you sit under a dryer, if possible, while you have it on your head. I have used this personally on myself & my daughter, multiple friends have tried it and everyone loves it! 2. TOO MANY HEATING TOOLS NOT ENOUGH HEAT PROTECTANT : It always seems when it comes to hair - we want what we do not have. These's not about whether we can have it or not. Anything is achievable with a big enough wallet and a fabulous hair stylist, right? It is 2021 (first time I've said that, it just sounds crazy). I have always had curls and as I got older, it just got wavy, thick and frizzy...can you guess what my favorite hair tool is?! Yep...curly girls, you got it right...I LOVE a flat iron. A good straightener is like gold to me! It changes the texture of my hair and my whole look, but it also changes the health of my hair. I have never had to stay I've damaged my hair with a straightening tool, but I have seen some young girls hair fall straight out from a flat iron. Terrifying. If you keep your hair styled all the time and use a heating tool daily, make sure you are using a deep conditioner or hair mask once every two weeks, at the very least, and while you are using the hot tool, make sure you are applying enough protectant to keep your hair from being damaged. I try to stay natural & curly. I use plant based products in my hair but I can't help but love how I look with completely straight hair so my go to when I pull out my chi is Deity America's Repairing Essence Daily Moisturizing Lotion mixed with their Silk Serum Shine . Check it out! You will fall in love. I use it everyday to maintain the moisture of my wavy hair. 3. Hidden Chemicals In Your Hair Products : This one sounds terrifying but the reality is, this has been happening with companies over many years. I cannot tell you how many cheap products I've put on my head as a kid, without a clue or choice, and no one in my family had any idea how bad it was for your hair. We all know the shampoos and conditioners we are referring to. You can get them for under $1.50, they are extremely scented and you swear the conditioner actually steals the moisture right out of your thick, beautiful and now extremely dehydrated hair. As an adult, I do my best to stay away from these products, I even cringe when I see them in someone else's shower and quickly recommend my favorite shampoo (I'm horrible, I know). If your shampoo is mixed with your conditioner, don't even talk to me.... You're not real ( I joke, I kid....but seriously stop using that today!) When shopping for your new favorite shampoo, think about your hair and what it is lacking. Make sure you read the ingredients, if you spot any of these chemicals...put it down and walk away. Parabens, Triclosan, Chemical UV Filters, Methylisothiazolinone, Sulfates (sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)) , Phthalates, Mineral Oil, Quaternium-15 and Polyethylene Glycol. 4. Same Ponytail Everyday: Seems Harmless but putting your hair up, especially with damaging elastic bands, can be pretty bad for your hair. Hate to admit it but I fall into this category perfect. I am more conscious since starting to lose hair at the front of my head from this. It is a called a tension pull and if you are starting to notice a widows peak then I recommend you start making an effort to wear your hair in different styles. For low maintenance girls, this sounds horrible, I know, but we can have hair when we're older if we take care of it now and it will cost us less to maintain. For my tension pull, I have started using Deity America Plant Shampoo For Hair Loss . My entire family loves it, it is growing back my boyfriends hair that has been missing since early teen years & it is growing my tension pull back very quickly. Can't say enough about this shampoo & company. 5. Over Washing and Under Washing Your Hair : It's like how do we win?! Hopefully by now you have a wash day or two, at most a week, by now. If not, I suggest getting on a hair schedule. I know a lot of people will tell you not to wash your hair or dirty hair styles better, but that can also be damaging as well. Wash your hair the day before your event and the day you plan on styling. If you do go days without washing, try not to use heated tools on the days after you wash. One thing when it comes to not washing that I am guilty of is just using conditioner. This is okay for a day or so but you want a natural shampoo that will actually clean any residue left behind. I think the Deity America Plant Shampoo For Hair Loss does an amazing job of cleaning your scalp but not stripping your hair of all natural oils. My favorite thing to follow behind the shampoo is actually their other conditioner that is a quinoa based enhanced with Acai berries and pomegranate. This is a must have for all hair types even if you do not color your hair, it is an amazing hydrating formula. Try the Color Extending Protection Shampoo & Conditioner Advanced Quinoa Formula today. These are just a few things that you can watch for. A lot of these can end up causing hair loss, which you know can be truly traumatizing for a person! Make sure to keep an eye out and to read other blogs on google. Some of my favorites are: SLICE.COM FUNCTIONOFBEAUTY.COM INSIDER.COM See You Next Time!

Who would have thought that there would be a day we were told we were drying our hair wrong? To me, it seems like drying hair should be something that is just easy. I never thought there was a right and a wrong way, that is for sure. A few years back, I was working with an amazing set of girls and one had an amazing set of curls! Every day, just the curls you dream of, long, bouncing and perfectly flowing from her hair to her shoulders. I mean, FLAWLESS curls! After learning she is committed to using a T - Shirt to dry her hair, it got me this what I was doing wrong? Since a kid, I have just used a regular bath towel on my hair and always put my hair up like the woman in the photo above. As I got older, it started pulling near the front of my head by my forehead, so I stopped doing my hair in a towel after showers and just flipped my hair over and rubbed all the water out (my hair is long and thick and collects can soak an entire t-shirt in seconds, if not dried completely). After a while of doing this, my ends were very course & really my perfectly curly haired co-worker got me thinking - it definitely has to be my hair care regimen (routine). I started looking online and people were raving about this technique. Beauty Blogs and Magazines like NYMag & Bustle ( who even recommend their top 7 hair towels listed for you ) were approving this method of hair drying, Amazon even offered a cute little HAIR REPEAR Towel (yes that is how they spell it) that is rated top 10 with NYMAG . Then of course, we have a few articles saying DO NOT DO IT. That really got me curious. I didn't want to damage my hair further but I know using a regular old towel might not be the best thing for me at this point but what is the real difference? And how could something so light and soft be bad or worse for your hair than a thick bulky towel? Upon looking into this it seemed cotton was the culprit. Then I seen other articles arguing that opposite point. That a pure cotton T - shirt is a great way to dry your hair and it will even cause LESS frizz than the conventional drying methods! Another things I found is the MOST recommended hair towel material is actually Microfiber. It is recommended as the #1 across the internet. When drying your hair, one thig to know is the goal. The goal is to get the water out of your hair quick AND most importantly, GENTLY! Make sure you are not rubbing it out but dabbing or squeezing it gently to remote the water. Something else I wanted to put out there, Terry Cloth was pretty controversial online. Some said it can help grow stronger locks and promised you would see less breakage and less frizz... while others said it would straight up pull your hair out! I would stay away from that material for your hair drying regimen, unless you are using a highly rated hair towel with reviews from others with similar hair types. I added these link in here for you all to check out and find the right hair towel for yourself. These are all top rated and completely affordable! They also fit every single persons individual style with all the choices they have! TEEOWLES COCOANDEVE DEVA CURL MICROFIBER ANTI FRIZZ HAIR TOWEL DOCKANDBAY DROP YOUR FAVORITES BELOW!!!!!!!

October 15, 2017 We recently got to sample some awesome products from the all new Deity America hair care line based out of Merrick, New York. Known for it’s plant-based ingredients, the products (including shampoos, conditioners, shine serums, scalp treatment and even an edge control product) boast Tibetan native herbs that prevent and restore hair loss. I’m totally conscious of the products I put in my hair especially since I’m currently withchild and can’t afford to ingest any harsh chemicals or by-products. After one use of the Black Hair Element Washing Fluid Shampoo and the Plant Conditioner for Hair Loss, my hair felt a fresh clean with no overbearing fragrances or oil. The aroma was a surprisingly leafy and although I had to get used to the herbal scent during use, it didn’t leave any lingering smell in my hair afterwards. Of the several other products sampled including the leave-in conditioner, silk serum for after styling shine and the edge control product, I would give the collection as a whole 4 stars. With a more coily/curly hair texture, I needed to use more than I’d normally apply to saturate my entire head with both the regular and leave-in conditioners, which seemed to become watery as I worked throughout my hair and scalp. I can imagine having to purchase a large quantity in order to see the growth results after several weeks of routine use. Here’s a before and after from one cycle of wash using each product notes above… I’d absolutely recommend the product for a thinner textured hair. The only notable disappointment I experienced was the white flaky residue of the edge control which at first application was amazingly smooth, smelled great and held like a gel product. I had to keep putting water on the area throughout the day to dilute the white parts. As mentioned earlier, the quality of the entire line comparable to other all natural products on the market is very impressive. My opinions are based solely on the type of hair and experience I had personally and should not be held against another’s as they may vary depending on your hair. Check out their IG and website to see more reviews and request samples!! Find More About Their Amazing Team Of Women Read More Of Their Interesting Blogs & Articles Here Instagram: @Pinkilluminance Twitter: @Pinkilluminance Facebook: Youtube: Pink Illuminance

The key to a healthy head of hair starts with....yes, I am sure you have heard it a thousand times, A HEALTHY SCALP! How many times have we went to the store or got online and looked for the perfect hair product? You know, the one that makes your hair soft, shiny and out of those times, how many times have we actually thought about our scalp while making these purchases?? If you're like me, for many, many years, that answer to that question is 0. Actually One....which has ultimately brought me to you! One of the most important things you can do for desirable hair, is treat your scalp like you would any other part of you body WITHOUT hair! The skin on your head is just as important as the skin we lotion but unfortunately, we forget about it all too much. I have extremely long and thick hair. I have never struggled with hair loss, dandruff or anything of that sort. About 7 months ago, I purchased from a very popular, affordable well known brand. I have used the brand multiple times and never had issues but then next thing I knew it, my child as well as myself, had horrible dandruff. My scalp was so itchy....ANNOYINGLY Itchy!I If I itched my head - flakes would fall out. It was definitely an embarrassing few weeks. Luckily, I already had a Deity Box on the way!! The Anti-Itchy Dandruff Shampoo is amazing! Took me about 3 washes....PROBLEM SOLVED! Since then, I have used the shampoo twice! No flakes and if my scalp gets itchy at all, I just use the shampoo and it goes right away. I did use some hair oils from Deity as well and kept my scalp moisturized! Since then, I got a bit more curious about how to keep my scalp healthier so this doesn't happen any more....I have listed a few top suggestions below for any one else that may be struggling with Dandruff and for those of you just looking for tips on keeping your scalp healthy and flake free! After All, a healthy scalp is the best way to promote hair growth! 1. STAY HYDRATED: Drink Water.....Tons of water! This ends up on about every single article I write but I know for a lot of readers, we don't get the proper amount of water that we should. Your skin depends deeply on water. When we get too dry, we can see it on our hands, our legs and our feet....but we cannot see it on our scalp. Keeping yourself hydrated will keep your scalp and hair much happier. Drink at least a half gallon a day!! Fun Fact: (from Kinetico) is that water makes up almost 25% of the weight of a single strand of hair. Drinking at least two liters of water a day will help the strength of your hair, increasing growth. With that being said that is just one reason to drink your water, you hair can't grow unless its hydrated. 2. MOISTURIZE WITH OILS: Now drinking water does help with adding moisture to your scalp, although sometimes, that just isn't enough. There are a ton of culprits in our day to day that can pull moisture directly from your hair and some just cannot be helped, for example, the climate where you live, the water where you live can play a huge role in the moisture of your hair...OR maybe, your hair just locks out moisture naturally! With the choices of hair oils, it can get confusing what is right for you and what can make your hair greasy. Some peoples hair just isn't meant for oils so you will have to find the right time and ways to put the oil in your hair. Tea Tree oil is my personal go to. Coconut can dry out the hair and scalp more if used too much. Deity makes it oiling your hair scalp super quick with their Scalp Repairing Dropper. I love it. It makes it extremely easy to apply and you can add the perfect amount every time thanks to the packaging and the oils are already pre-mixed for you and completely PLANT BASED! The scent of the oils will put an instant smile on your face! DIY? Mix Horsetail, Lavendar, Tea tree, Jojoba and Cedar Oil! 3. SHOP HAIR PRODUCTS RESPONSIBLY: Check INGREDIENTS! Shop quality over quantity every time. Stop buying shampoos and conditioners based off of ease, scents and prices! Those products are loaded with bad chemicals in most cases. Look for products that will eliminate build-up on the hair and scalp instead of products that cause these. Stay away from shampoos that are not paraben and sulfate free. Sulfates are said to be hard on the scalp and cause irritation. Parabens can actually make any issue you have on your scalp worse! Try to find a natural products usually labeled (but still read the ingredients) Chemical Free, Plant Based (like US) Or Vegan. You do not have to shop expensively....just research!! 4. EXFOLIATE YOUR SCALP: There are too many ways too choose how to do this so we won't put too much time into this. Make sure you are exfoliating your scalp only twice a week, at the most. You can use items made for scalp exfoliation but make sure you are researching, reading reviews and putting time in before purchasing something like an exfoliation glove or a product that seems to be promising too much. You can stick to natural products you typically have at your house, in the kitchen already, such as, sugar, sugar almonds, coffee, and please check out Misskyra's blog about hair growth. She has some awesome recipes so you can exfoliate your scalp from home but if you like to keep it simple sugar and your favorite essential oil should do the trick! 5. STRESS-LESS: As crazy as it may seem, stress can actually affect your scalp & it's health. We know hormones do things to our body that drive us up the wall, but like I said...too often we forget about our scalp. Hormones can make your hair extra greasy & cause dandruff on a flake free head to start! Don't Worry....BE HAPPY SHOP OUR SCALPSENSE LINE!!

Curls are one of the most wished for by people with straight hair. Straight hair is one of the most wished for things by people with curly hair. It's kind of silly when we think about it but it always goes back to us wanting what we can't have right? Well there are a few things you can do that are super easy and some may even say peaceful or relaxing while helping your curls fall in the line. The trick to beautiful and amazing curls is simple - SPOIL THEM. Even if you are not high maintenance....girl face it...YOUR CURLS ARE. Below we have complied a list of tips from beauty influencers, top sites online and our favorite - Deity Dream girls and what their personal tips are!! As you know, Deity America, is a completely natural plant based hair product company who also offer supplements and some healthcare items as well! With that being said, to us it is so important to get all the old chemicals out of your hair. Most shampoo, conditioner and other hair care products we use on the daily are made with loads of parabens and sulfates, which we all know by now are horrible for your hair. Check your product labels, research and throw those items in their rightful place - THE TRASH. If you want beautiful, amazing, soft and of course, coil-y curls....KEEP READING..... STAY AWAY FROM THE HEAT If you want flawless curls like these we recommend staying as far away from the heat as much as possible! There are so many products that can add curl to your hair these days - THROW YOUR HOT TOOLS OUT THE WINDOW (just joking - keep them for a rainy day) but do try to keep your hair natural as much as possible! BUSTLE HAD A NICE ARTICLE ABOUT WAYS TO CURL YOUR HAIR WITHOUT HEAT! USE AN OLD T-SHIRT FOR DRYING Sounds a little silly, but look at it as recycling. Wash the old shirt and leave it in the towel drawer. Instead of wrapping your hair in a towel, wrap it in the t-shirt after patting dry! It makes a HUGE difference, They also make towels specifically for your hair. GET A GOOD LEAVE-IN OR MOISTURIZER! The best conditioners for curly hair will lock in moisture to keep your hair sleek and shiny. It can take away frizz but not usually. They eliminate tangles without weighing down your curls. TRY OURS TODAY One thing all of our ladies agree with us on is moisture. It is the MOIST important aspect of your curl (we know....but we still try...we are from NY now). Drink water, eat right and condition, condition, condition. Follow Tia Always Moisturize Tia says always keep your hair moisturized. Make sure you are following her advice and using a deep conditioner at least once a week! Your curls are going to love our Deep Conditioner for Damaged Hair if they don't already! Follow Daseana Daseana says make sure you are getting enough vitamins & the nutrients you need to prevent any type of deficiency. Do not forget your water. Not only will your skin be more hydrated but your curls will rock even harder! Follow Allison Moisture is key for curly hair. Allison likes to make a lot of her own masks with avocado, olive oil and other raw natural ingredients. She also uses our Deep Conditioner with plastic and heating cap. It is also recommended to sit under a hooded dryer if you have one available. GIVE YOUR HAIR AMINO ACIDS Amino acids are organic compounds that contain amine and carboxyl functional groups, along with a side chain specific to each amino acid. The key elements of an amino acid are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, although other elements are found in the side chains of certain amino acids. - Wikipedia The best way to truly get amino acid is to eat correctly. Easier said than done, right? You can find amino acids in all types of foods...meats, eggs, diary and even quinoa. If you really feel like you cannot eat enough of these items (also research cause there are more types of foods you may find you love) you can also take supplements (talk to a doctor first) or find our Color Extending Quinoa Based Shampoo and Conditioner on our site . Not only will amino acids help with your curls but it will help with hair growth. WASH LESS We know we have said this before but washing less and staying up on your conditioning and hair mask treatments can do a lot. Your hair (and curls) need natural oils to really strut their stuff and washing to much is going to make them looked tired, dull and probably even more frizzy, with curly hair, that is the last thing you are looking for. HAIR MASKS With us being all about NATURAL and plant based...we had to have our own section about hair masks. Some love Honey & Oil, Others can not get enough of Avocado and many will swear their life by fruits in their mask. Personally, we love them all! There is nothing you can do better than to TREAT YO SELF and that means start with moisturizing that hair. Think of it like having a spa day by yourself at home! Check out Teri and the TCM Check out Lorraine with the CGM Fans of both. DIY CLEANSING CONDITIONER RECIPES We have done a ton of research....GUESS WHAT WE FOUND? Top social media influencers everywhere and hair gurus believe in using a cleansing conditioner. This will lightly cleanse your hair but deeply condition it, which in return, is GREAT FOR YOUR CURLS! We're dropping a couple natural recipes for you from some of our favorite bloggers! Avacado Cleansing Conditioner WE LOVE AVOCADO! And so does Curly hair! Even if you can't get past the texture and you do not think it is the most taste thing on the plant (we won't judge).... Avocados are packed with protein, making it a great ingredient for repairing dry, damaged hair. That is one place Try making your own DIY protein mask using avocado, coconut oil, honey, and olive oil. We know the never ending battle of coconut oil not being wonderful for you hair....while some claim that it helps heal broken brittle hair, others swear that it actually causes that. We do not recommend using it every day but in a natural mask you can use sparingly. Recipe By MAMAS LATINAS Aloe Vera Cleansing Conditioner You can make your own cleansing conditioner with aloe vera. Aloe vera does a great job at hydrating hair while also cleansing it from impurities, dirt, and product buildup, similar to a good cleansing conditioner--only natural. Try combining it with honey and coconut milk and using as a shampoo before conditioning and styling. Recipe by MAMAS LATINAS

According to the Mayo Clinic , Alopecia is a sudden hair loss that starts with circular bald patches that may overlap. They say that Alopecia may occur when the immune system attacks hair follicles. It can be brought on by severe stress. To keep it simple, Alopecia is known as hair loss of any sort, that causes bald spots on ANY part of your body. Most people experience this, of course, on their scalp but yes it can occur on your face and other areas of your body. Frustrating no matter the area. Typically, Alopecia is an Autoimmune disease, basically where your body attacks itself by accident, but there are a few other causes like Tinea capitis ( Tinea capitis is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. The disease is primarily caused by dermatophytes in the Trichophyton and Microsporum genera that invade the hair shaft. The clinical presentation is typically a single or multiple patches of hair loss, sometimes with a “black dot” pattern, that may be accompanied by inflammation, scaling, pustules, and itching (best description I found was from from Hindawi ) . This type of fungal infection can eventually lead to Alopecia totalis - total hair loss basically. If you believe you are experiencing this, we advise you to start acting now. THE BEST WAY TO PREVENT HAIR LOSS IS TO START ACTING THE SECOND IT SHOWS UP If you have started having issues with thinning hair in patches or bald spots, then most likely, this is what is going on! It can most definitely be embarrassing but the great thing is, there are TONS of ways to treat it and lots of them actually work!! Alopecia (hair loss - in a nut shell) can start in any pattern. Lots of females that experience the hair loss, seem to get it at the front of their hair, due to wearing their hair in ponytails or braids...this is called Traction Alopecia. CRAZY THAT IT HAS A NAME, HUH? Since the early 1900s actually!! THE MORE YOU KNOW.... Men experience MPB (Male Pattern Baldness), females can too but this usually happens to men in the U- form on their head. It can also start in small patches and begin to take over the head in that form. Eventually, the bald spots actually become smooth and you begin to feel your hair is no longer growing back. To me, the most crazy thing about MPB, is it is said to affect 50 million +. There is also something similar called FPB (female version) which is a bit different but at the end of the day it is all hair loss! According to WebMD, there is no cure but you are able to maintain the hair you have. We have a few secrets to keep your hair on your head and keep it growing back! (Check out our HAIR GROWTH Section...we GOT you covered!) While researching, I found that some of the best information was found on . They had loads of information on all the forms of Alopecia and the rare diseases that are related to it. Some you may have already heard of and I have talked about them in a couple of other blogs, like Trichotillomania . Because Alopecia is such - what I would consider - a super loose term "Hair loss" Trichotillomania can definitely fall under the terminology. They also make understanding Alopecia mucinosa. easy as pie, as well as everything else related to hair loss and Alopecia. To read more about this diseases, you can see the Alopecia page of the rarediseases website! It has great information as well as in-depth descriptions of each type of disease that is most known to cause hair loss. LETS TALK ABOUT THE GETTING YOUR HAIR BACK PART... The great part about us (human race) - WE HAVE SOLUTIONS. You can talk to your doctors about this. That is always a 1st recommendation. They have medicine that can be used. Do not take the whole "Hereditary" thing too serious... we have seen people bounce back after trying and trying tons of different Hair Growth products and medications! Before you start taking things into your own hands, you need to make sure you are ruling out any type of hair infection or fungal infection - WITH A DOCTOR, before it becomes servere or possibly permanent. We recommend our affordable NATURAL Plant based hair products! It is a great option and all of our items are more than affordable. The best part about our solutions - no on-going appointments, no waiting (you can shop online or at Bed, Bath, and Beyond) and we also offer an instant hair loss solution called POWER POWDER to cover up your bald spots until your hair grows in. We have different types of scalp treatments for all hair types. We have a ton of happy customers who have recovered their hair from not only Alopecia or MPB but also gastric by pass surgery by using DEITY AMERICA PLANT BASED PRODUCTS! Check out our YouTube as well! Here is one of our favorite videos to get you going! GET YOUR HAIR BACK AFTER YOUR GASTRIC SURGERY SHOP Top Hair Growth Products

Gray hair is a huge annoyance! We feel you! We really do! Many people today opt out of dying their hair because there are only so many alternatives to hair coloring but still struggle with the embarrassment of grays! It doesn't matter your age, color or sex, gray hair is only attractive a very select few (like heartthrob Eric Dane, most of us probably refer to him as Mark Sloan from Grey's Anatomy). We only could get so lucky, right?! When I was young, my aunt had jet black hair and the front was loaded with gray hair (mind you, this was the early early 90's), it was like a business in the front, party in the back you know....we thought the gray hairs were what was embarrassing back then! I remember one time I had asked my mom about it because although she had a much shorter version of the same mullet, she had no gray hairs and they were the same age. She then told me my aunt had gray hair at 17!!! My jaw hit the floor and my response - "17?!?!?!!? ARE YOU SERIOUS" Little did I know, I would start seeing gray hairs at the young age of 26. How sad, right?! Once I started getting my silver strands before I even hit 30 - you know I was asking around and researching!! I learned so much! ONE THING I WANT TO SAY before we start: Though it may be tempting to pull your gray hairs -DO NOT- I Repeat DO NOT PULL YOUR GRAY HAIRS. You could end up irritating your hair follicle or even worse, damaging it, when you have done this enough you will start to notice your hair thinning out due to the follicle not growing another strand of hair! If it does grow back, it'll probably be gray again anyway! Save yourself the little twing of pain! Those pesky grays can appear for several different reasons, here are some super common ones: Age, Race and Genetics - Of course, we considered this! Most professionals will tell you that most of your gray issues have everything to do with background of who you are exactly! While there is little you can do to prevent this...Deity America has a wonderful NATURAL color rinse formula to rid you of feeling like a silver fox! Stress - Stress is actually shown to CONTRIBUTE (not necessarily cause) gray hairs! If you are seeing hair fall out and come back less pigmented, this could be a sign you are overly stressed and it is affecting your body! When your body enters the fight-or-flight response, what happens is it causes permanent damage to the pigment-regenerating stem cells in the hair follicle. Ahh Science! Crazy right? Smoking - Smoking can actually cause white hair- not just gray! It has been linked to premature graying multiple times. The science behind it: Smoking constricts blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow to hair follicles and cause you to lose your hair as well as turning it WHITE! Illnesses Or Deficiencies - If you have any vitamin deficiencies like B-6, B-12, vitamin D, biotin, and/or vitamin E these can all or individually contribute to premature graying. Luckily this is a nice and easy fix! Autoimmune diseases (your body basically attacking itself) like alopecia or vitiligo attack your skin and hair causing grays. Thyroid disorders are also known to contribute to gray hairs as well! This is just a short list of what could be factors during your gray hair Journey! While I sympathize with everyone experiencing gray hair or hair loss, Deity America is here to offer solutions! We offer simple and easy to use HEALTHY HAIR COLOR RINSE AND SHAMPOO!!!! Here some tidbits about it! Rinse And Wash And Enjoy The Immediate Results Natural color rinse packets 2-in-1 formula Treat your hair and color at the same time Cover your grays or change your color Great to re-moisturize hair after perm or after relaxer Color after relaxing hair Colors include black, dark brown, and wine red SHOP NOW